There is no pride in being falled!

We Ethiopians know the world primarily through our old civilization and our bravery. In order to be known to others on the basis of a value, the action must be acted upon ... not by imitation. In light of this, we Ethiopians are known to our heroes and civilizations in the world because we have clear historical evidence that we have done heroism before and in practice.

Yes! We Ethiopians have three millennia of history, we have our own identity, we have lived proudly in our arms, and we have thrown the yeast into the world of civilization more than ever before ...

In Africa, we have our own alphabet and calendar. While the world of the art of architecture has not yet been updated, we have established living artifacts, such as Axum, Lalibela, and Fascidus, which are the secret to all those who have "advanced in knowledge, advanced in civilization."

And in art we have already produced scholars such as Saint Jared, who sang the hymns before his contemporaries and Mozart in the sixth century. Despite its economic and political influence, history testifies that Ethiopia was one of the four most powerful nations in the world at the time, which ruled the Red Sea as far as South Arabia and Yemen.

Documents from the "civilized" world at that time testify that Ethiopia was providing military aid to Israel, Greece, and other countries at that time. To this end, Gumut, such as Homer, Herodotus, and Drusilla Dungeon Houston, can be cited as evidence by historians and many other historians.

Even if we start from our recent history, we are the first people to have won the white invaders on the battlefield and have done a proud victory for all black people. We have liberated not only ourselves, but our African brothers and all the black people, who have passed on our own example, and trained thousands of freedom fighters, such as Nelson Mandela. So we should be proud to have recorded a sober history with our unified arms and the heart of our lion;

But now that my generation and I, in present-day Ethiopia, have to live up to our heroism and pride, we must prove ourselves as children of our fathers. We do this only when we can bravely fight against poverty, as all of us do. In this sense, today, We try to portray one and the most important enemy of our generation, although we has many enemies to claim to be the hero of the past and to be proud.

I raised my pen to share how we must win and maintain our dignity by reflecting on the abuse and humiliation that our forefathers have inflicted on us.

Our glorious poverty and glory

Poverty is one of the enemies of the world today, which is robbing us of glory and heroism. I do not think we will ever be defeated by human enemies or foreign invaders. Still, we do not give up our freedom; We're still brave, and we're proud. Unlike the invading foe, it has humiliated our glories around the world, our heroism to defeat poverty.

Thus, many of us have left our great country and have emigrated to another country, unable to overcome poverty, and are being persecuted. We have stripped away our glory and our pride, and we are scattered all over the world. From neighboring countries to South Africa and Asia ... There is no country where Ethiopians have not been emigrated from Europe to the United States.

Currently, between three and four million Ethiopians are scattered all over the world, many of whom have left their homeland because of poverty. Those who live in exile are humiliated. Because of poverty they are separated from being sent to a country of origin and voluntarily going to another country.

It is possible to travel to one's home country, get a job, and live a better life in a country. But when we come to our country, I think that few have ever come to this country with a passion. Those who have gone before, most of whom are still do not wish to live in their country but in persecution, without the necessity of winning a living.

And here, citizens who have fled their country and are forced to live in their own country are not like the people who are trying to find a better life. Although they are tired of being persecuted and living a life of humiliation, they do not live there in dignity and luxury. Our brothers and sisters in exile, even in developing countries, are employed as domestic workers, babysitters, janitors and shepherds.

This hurts the employees' moral and psychological well-being, and their wages are not consistent with their hard work and their lifestyle. This is not enough, forcing them to work without a break, forcing them to be abused by their employers, such as rape, abusive behavior, and violence, and murder. They are thrown down from the roof;

This is making our citizens worse off and suffering more than they do in their country. The loss of lives is not easy. But more important than the pain and death of our chosen elect who die rather than glorify his glory, at this stage our glorification of his glory is as fiery. Such abuse and dishonor is offensive to any human. The humiliation of the act, which we are proud of and proud of us, in our free and great citizens, makes us even more disheartened and angry.

Our failure to defeat

Of course, all of this is due to our own shame. We cannot blame anyone, we are ourselves responsible for the abuse and humiliation. Because it is our poverty that persecuted us, not the country we went to. But they did not come to us, but we went to them. It is our poverty that our main enemy is the one who has made our citizens suffer all this injustice and that has humiliated us as a nation.

It is our failure, our persecution, our humiliation. As a result, we have been humbled and humiliated by the lifeless poverty of a world in which we live proudly and proudly, defeating an arrogant enemy.

The humiliation of poverty and persecution is not easy, but most of all, we have now come to the end of our glory, even though we may not be overwhelmed by our shameful and heroic history of humiliation. If the humiliation of poverty does not stop here and we continue to do so, then we are also more likely to be aware of the shameful history that our ancestors did not inherit.

If this generation defeated the enemy of the time and did not write his own autobiography, he cannot always be honored in the history of his ancestors. For glory and valor are passed away from generation to generation;

The only solution is to win

The only solution is to overcome the humiliation of poverty and to live proudly as our ancestors - to fight the humiliating enemy of our humiliation! 
And we Ethiopians in Ethiopia today, like our forefathers, must all come together and defeat the enemy in poverty. Today, as usual, we must show our heroism and glory once again to the world by defeating our oppressive enemy who tried to rob us of our glory. This is a joint historical obligation of all Ethiopians and we seek to identify the responsibility of the government and people to enable us to carry out our responsibilities effectively.

1. The government

The government has a great responsibility to keep people under its control and to create the conditions that enable them to live a decent life. To this end, designing and implementing appropriate economic and social development policies should be a priority. The country needs to focus on the youth, as more than 70% of its citizens are youth and most vulnerable to the problems associated with poverty (especially migration).

Creating enough jobs for citizens should be a priority of the government. It is important to not only create a job, but also pay a living wage that is not conducive to the cost of living in the country. If not, as we see in our industry-owned industrial parks, paying eight hundred monthly wages for young people working eight hours a day saying, "We are creating jobs for many citizens," unless the benefit of deceiving the self and citizens is the same.

Because the poor man employed by this paycheck cannot go out of poverty, except to exploit his fortune for the wealthy.

In addition, creating an equitable distribution of wealth also contributes to poverty reduction by narrowing the disparity between the rural and urban, rich and poor, the authorities and the common people. In this way, poverty can be greatly reduced by promoting a fair political system, respecting human and democratic rights, working closely with the people and implementing true democracy in their country. Thus it is possible to remove the source of persecution which leads to disgrace by creating a situation in which citizens can work in their home country.

2. Citizens

Citizens, on the other hand, need to be resilient and not easily discouraged. They have to believe and work that they can overcome any problem if they continue to persevere in the face of poverty and hardship but never give up. It is not the tradition of our fathers to surrender to the enemy and to suffer. According to Volcanologists, history is not a fairy tale, but a true work record of what people have done and have done. Moreover, history is also an action lab, where people have tried and proven that they can do what they want and be the next generation of psychology.

When we think of our history of victory, bravery and freedom, it means we can win now. We can overcome poverty, the enemy of our pride and pride, just as our forefathers have won, and so have they lived in the world. We must overcome poverty and restore our dignity by adding the knowledge, wisdom and action that our ancestors have inherited over the winning psychology of our ancestors.

To this end, changing our thinking and attitude in a positive way should be our primary concern by developing our reading culture and improving our work culture, developing problem-solving skills, diagnosing, identifying and solving problems. If so, the enemy that will never succeed, including poverty, will not survive.

And if we want to live proudly and proudly like our ancestors, we must overcome the humiliation that humiliates and humiliates us. If we want to be respected and respected, we must act in a heroic way. Our ancestors, known for their bravery and pride in the world, were able to live in glory because they lived and celebrated in action.

If we want glory, if we learn to be called "proud, determined and brave," we must be successful in action ... to be the hero of action.


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