About Yeka Sub-city


Yeka sub-city is located in the North east Part of Addis Ababa city. The total area of the sub-city is 85.98 km square and 4,284.9 people live in one kilometer square. Moreover, its entire population of the area is 368,418 people. Yeka Sub-City Administration office is found Megenagna in-front of Haile Building or next to Diaspora Circle. There are 14 woredas under it. Total population Male 195,814 and Female 224,506 total 420,320.

The Administration has 547 permanent and 24 contract employees. Furthermore, in the fiscal year of 2010/2011, the administration's budget was 337,750,165.29 birr and its capital expense was 672,072,002.85 birr.

Mean while (England, Russia, Kenya) (German and Italy) (France), and (Israel and Belgium) embassies are found in sub-city weredas five, three, one, and nine respectively.
In addition, in the sub-city there are 24 hotels and four recreation parts such as Yesera in wereda 12, Millennium in woreda ten, Yeka in wereda five, and France in wereda three.

Further more, some of the bureaus, agencies, offices, and educational colleges and universities which are found in the sub-city are Addis Ababa University Road and Transport bureau, civil service college, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Addis Ababa Traffic office, Ethiopian Athletics Federation and, Ethiopia Leadership Institution. There are also 33 orthodox, 21  Muslim, and 36 protestant religion institutions.


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